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上海琨琨信息科技有限公司 该单位营业执照已作验证

规  模:1-49人 公司行业:酒店/餐饮
地  址:襄阳南路永康路


THE HYVE®是一家餐饮与娱乐业的孵化器,总部在上海。我们帮助小创意转化成为成功的大公司!我们呼风唤雨的团队来自娱乐、餐饮和金融行业。THE HYVE®有一个简单的目标:把世界各地最激动人心的餐厅及娱乐概念引进中国。 公司由Yuni和Nick在2016年成立。THE HYVE®迅速开始培养餐饮业和夜生活的团队并且在上海成功的孵化了第一批餐饮概念。我们超级自豪能够把心爱的DEUS Cocktail Club数在我们孵化的概念之一。根据我们投资组合的增长,THE HYVE®展开了翅膀。2018年,我们的团队在努力工作,以创新的餐饮娱乐概念为主向中国的二线城市发展。 THE HYVE® is a culinary incubator, based in Shanghai, China. We help little ideas realize big success! Our team of movers and shakers come from the entertainment, hospitality and finance industries, and we have one simple goal: to bring the world’s most exciting restaurant & entertainment concepts to China. Founded in 2016 by Yuni He and Nick Dodet, THE HYVE® quickly went to work to cultivate ventures in dining & nightlife. We’re super proud to count the beloved DEUS Cocktail Club as among our concepts. As our portfolio grows, THE HYVE® is spreading its wings. In 2018, we are working hard to take innovative food & beverage concepts to China’s second tier cities.


  • 联系人:sherry
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